Ethics and Compliance

Rodolfo Apestegui

Telecable has opted to implement an Ethics and Compliance program in the organization. The main objective of this decision is that the company seeks for ethics to be present in every decision made by its collaborators. Having procedures and good practices to identify and classify legal and operational risks within the line of business minimizes contingencies and consequences, as well as improves customer service and reputation.

The company permanently encourages all its employees to demonstrate their commitment to all those rules and procedures that are part of this program. Creating an organizational culture where behaviors are ethical is key to maintaining an adequate and safe work environment for all of us who are part of this great work team.

Since before the approval of Law No. 9699, Telecable had already begun to design its own codes and policies that allowed it to permeate the organizational culture and managed to guide our collaborators along an ethical path. For us, it is an issue that goes far beyond a legal requirement, ethics is the path we want to follow in all aspects of our business.

¿En qué consiste nuestro código de Ética y Cumplimiento?

Complaints channel

Telecable has a non-retaliation and confidentiality policy, which means that those who wish to report any unethical or illegal act, declare a conflict of interest or have any questions related to compliance issues, can do so anonymously. Likewise, in case you wish to identify yourself, your data will be managed with due care and it will not be disclosed.

Regarding the handling of personal data, it is declared that the company is committed to the care of said data and acts in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 8968, regarding the Protection of the Person against the Treatment of their Data Personal and its Regulations.

Next, we find the available channels:

This "complaint channel" through its form allows you to report unethical acts of people who work with us. If you need assistance related to a service that you have contracted with Telecable, please go to the contact center or the chatbot that appears at the bottom right of this web page.

At Telecable we are consistent in that all our actions go hand in hand with ethics and in compliance with the values and our higher purpose. The foregoing commits both the employees and the company to be benchmarks of a good reputation in the telecommunications sector and to position ourselves as a company that is not only a customer-centric company, but also an optimal place to work. This has been recognized and valued by our commercial partners, reaffirming with recognition that Telecable enjoys a good corporate reputation.


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