Collaborators Form

From the Ethics and Compliance Department of Telecable SA(hereinafter Telecable), we are committed to responding to all those complaints that involve situations or behaviors that may imply a violation of the Code of Ethics and/or Telecable Policies.

Being impartial, we proceed to investigate the complaints presented, regardless of the position held by both the complainant and the accused. All collaborators have the duty and obligation to comply with Telecable's internal regulations and with the laws of our country.

We take this opportunity to thank you for your collaboration and your willingness to share with us information that you believe is valuable to take care of the organization, its workers, lines of business, and reputation. Likewise, we confirm that if you share your identity with us, we are obliged to keep it strictly confidential and if you choose to make the report anonymously, we will have no way of identifying you through the system.

Finally, we ask you to avoid affirming false actions or those of which you are not aware, since the purpose of this channel is to be able to minimize risks and contingencies in our workplace.

In case of doubt or comments, please write to us by email


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